Search for Motifs

find_motif(.mp, ...)

# S3 method for MatrixProfile
  n_motifs = 3,
  n_neighbors = 10,
  radius = 3,
  exclusion_zone = NULL,

# S3 method for MultiMatrixProfile
  n_motifs = 3,
  mode = c("guided", "unconstrained"),
  n_bit = 4,
  exclusion_zone = NULL,
  n_dim = NULL,

# S3 method for PMP
  n_motifs = 3,
  n_neighbors = 10,
  radius = 3,
  exclusion_zone = NULL,



a MatrixProfile or MultiMatrixProfile object.


further arguments to be passed to class specific function.


the data used to build the Matrix Profile, if not embedded.


an int. Number of motifs to find. (Default is 3).


an int. Number of neighbors to find. (Default is 10).


an int. Set a threshold to exclude matching neighbors with distance > current motif distance * radius. (Default is 3).


if a number will be used instead of embedded value. (Default is NULL).


a string. Guided or Unconstrained search. Allow partial match. (Default is guided).


an int. Bit size for discretization. Ignored on Guided search. (Default is 4).


an int. Number of dimensions to use on Guided search instead of embedded value. (Default is NULL).


For class MatrixProfile, returns the input .mp object with a new name motif. It contains: motif_idx, a list of motif pairs found and motif_neighbor a list with respective motif's neighbors.

For class MultiMatrixProfile, returns the input .mp object with a new name motif. It contains: motif_idx, a vector of motifs found and motif_dim a list the dimensions where the motifs were found

For class PMP, returns the input .mp object with a new name motif. It contains: motif_idx, a list of motif pairs found and motif_neighbor a list with respective motif's neighbors.


# Single dimension data w <- 50 data <- mp_gait_data mp <- tsmp(data, window_size = w, exclusion_zone = 1 / 4, verbose = 0) mp <- find_motif(mp) # Multidimension data w <- mp_toy_data$sub_len data <- mp_toy_data$data[1:200, ] mp <- tsmp(data, window_size = w, mode = "mstomp", verbose = 0) mp <- find_motif(mp) pan <- tsmp(mp_gait_data, window_size = 20:30, mode = "pmp")
#> step: 1/11 binary idx: 1 window: 20
#> step: 2/11 binary idx: 6 window: 25
#> step: 3/11 binary idx: 3 window: 22
#> step: 4/11 binary idx: 9 window: 28
#> step: 5/11 binary idx: 2 window: 21
#> step: 6/11 binary idx: 4 window: 23
#> step: 7/11 binary idx: 7 window: 26
#> step: 8/11 binary idx: 10 window: 29
#> step: 9/11 binary idx: 5 window: 24
#> step: 10/11 binary idx: 8 window: 27
#> step: 11/11 binary idx: 11 window: 30
mp <- find_motif(pan)